The AI-powered LMS that makes learning, your enterprise’s competitive advantage

Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Flipclasses brings real smarts to e-learning in a way that elevates Learning and Development from the tool that not only makes your workforce better but turns learning into your organization’s competitive advantage.

Unlock the potential of learning with Flipclasses

Forget the traditional ways of delivering instructions. Because with Flipclasses, you can combine online and offline learning experiences and turn them into one powerful medium of learning.

Welcome to Learning 3.0.

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Our EdTech Ecosystem

AI driven modules generate smart reports for trainers

The most difficult part in a training is tracking progress of a group and individuals in a group. Flipclasses fortunately grabs detail data points from the activities of the trainees inside the platform and generates individual and group level smart reports.

Get the best of Programme planning with Flipclasses

The programmes segment comprises of all the execution scopes by an admin related to creating programme, course and topics. One can create class, assign assignments and hold quiz and see survey course progress reports. The discussion board with the feature to upload documents is an unique feature mentioning.

Visibility of skills and skill-gaps at organisation level

This tool gives a top level and further drill-down option to see strength and weaknesses within the organisation. That helps to plan next set of recruitments and lesson planning for trainees. The detailed report also shows which employees gained what skills through the program designed inside the platform.

Building sense of achievements and accomplishment

As trainees progress and finish study & successfully submit assignments, they see the progress bar in realtime. At end of successful completion they win badges and earns skills tagged to each of training module. That gives them sense of winning and accomplishment.

Adding to Your Years of Industry Experience

This concept not just records, monitors and analyses the whole operation system of a school but also enables the top decision maker to shape up the future for good.




Automate everything, Generate insightful reports, Make better & faster decisions.




Centralized system offers with the opportunity of accessing any information from selected level for ease of use.




This is all-in-one concept which triggers all the prime points that are necessary for building a future ready global school.

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